Download .RAR Sample Files

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What is a RAR File?

A RAR file contains one or multiple files and folders compressed with the RAR compression algorithm. This algorithm is more efficient than ZIP compression, which is why a RAR file may be commonly used to store and share files compressed into a single file. RAR files can be compressed and extracted using a variety of tools, however, the WinRAR program is generally the one that creates them.

Moreover, multi-volume archives that are split across multiple compressed files can also be made using the RAR compressor. They may all have the same “.RAR” extension, however, these files often have file extensions ranging from .r00 to .r99.

Download RAR Sample Files

Here you’ll find multiple .RAR sample files to download and test instead of creating your own. Each sample includes different file types.

WinRAR Compressed Archive (.RAR)


Eugene Roshal




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